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June 18, 1942

Had a chat with good friend Alastair "Shorty" Hall (a 6'-6" Scottish stockbroker) — released from the Red Cross Hospital for a recuperative period at home. He's married to Consuelo McMicking, sister of Joe McMicking (who's in Australia with MacArthur) and Albert in Cabanatuan. Shorty has been staying home reading and is now on the 10th volume of the Harvard Classics. He let me read a note that Albert had managed to send. At O'Donnell they were initially fed with lugao — watery rice. After a couple of weeks mongo was added and later calabasa — a pumpkin-like vegetable. Conditions are much better in Cabanatuan.

In Manila today, 5,000 people are bending quietly over the muffled tones of 2,500 radios. For two days now the Japanese have effectively jammed KGEI broadcasts, but they can't stop us from getting the news — unless they take of our radios.