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June 16, 1942

Heard that a Japanese fellow who went to school here is trying to recruit a group of stool pigeons for his "gestapo." Everyone is being more cautious. The news still gets around but in tighter groups where everyone is sure of each other's allegiance. Today I heard a Spanish friend fend off a German we've known for years:

G: "Hello, Chico, what's the news?"

S: "Nothing much I guess."

G: "Well, what's the latest?"

S: "I haven't heard anything new."

G: "What about the San Francisco radio, anything new there?"

S: "I don't know. I haven't listened for a long time."

G: "How long do you think it'll be before the Americans get back?"

S: "I don't know. All I'm trying to do these days is earn a living and that's hard enough without worrying about things beyond my control."

With six strikes against him, the German gave up and ambled away. The Spaniard turned to me and winked.