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May 30, 1942

"Col. Guillermo Horan Gives Self up in Lucbagan" [Tribune] — half way between Baguio and Aparri. Says N. F. Gailbraith of Wainwright's staff arranged the surrender on May 12 — 19 days ago. Naturally, the propaganda corps has Gailbraith saying something unlikely.

On another front, "Japs trap 10,000 Chinese soldiers" — which reminds me that they also trapped 30,000 in Mindanao, but when Gen. Sharp surrendered, less than 5,000 surrendered with him. Now what could the remaining 25,000 be up to?

There really are Geisha girls in the city now. I bike up and down Arlegui four times daily, and at least ten of them seem to be cooped up at a large house near the Tanduay corner. Across the street there are always a few Filipinos trying to catch a glimpse of them. A few more are in the Walled City.

A Japanese officer opined to a friend that the Japanese warlords waited too long before attacking Australia. "We had power to spare, and they were like a ripe mango ready for the plucking.... Bataan delayed us and now it looks too late."

A Japanese civilian went to the house of relatives of a friend of mine — they were on friendly terms — and asked, "Is there fighting going on somewhere? I was at Fort McKinley yesterday and saw a batch of wounded soldiers brought in." My friend could only say that he thought there was guerilla fighting up north.