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May 23, 1942

No list of prisoners has been published so far, and visitors still can't enter the camps. People are dying there. Doctors are not allowed in "without the express permission of the Japanese authorities." So much for asking for the "honorable surrender" of Bataan! The Japanese are even mistreating Filipino prisoners, all the while claiming that it was the Americans who mistreated and forced them to fight. The Japanese Field Service Code [Senjinkun] says: "I will never suffer the disgrace of being taken alive," so the Japanese consider the prisoners of Bataan to be disgraced, even if the rest of the world considers them to be heroes. The mere act of feeding them (with our food incidentally) is hailed as "a beautiful humanitarian gesture" by the Japanese.

La Vanguardia says, "intense hatred between Americans and Filipinos existed in Corregidor." I'm almost sick of reading it. We're supposed to believe too that the Americans hate the British as the Indians do, while the Chinese have been double-crossed by both Britain and America. The British are distrustful of the Americans, and the Burmese fought against the British. The French are indignant against both America and Britain, while the Russians hate everybody. Churchill and F.D. Roosevelt hate each other. And every newspaper in every allied country yelps continually against all other countries. Everyone is demoralized: Australia is helpless; China about to quit; Indians won't fight except against the British.... Look further through the paper and the Japanese are having a holiday bombing every place without opposition, winning all land, sea and air battles without losing a plane, ship or man. In Japan, it seems that if you listen to radio broadcasts from San Francisco, you risk getting the death penalty. The Japanese are setting themselves up for an awful letdown.