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May 22, 1942

The systematic looting of the P.I. has begun. The Botica Boie's bodega opposite us is on its third day of being emptied. Cases of Castor Oil, Milk of Magnesia, Listerine and even milk are being sent away — probably to piers and then to Japan.

Meanwhile, the Japanese are taking over houses and booting their residents out. The second in command after Homma has taken the last house on Manga Avenue, and the Campos family received an order to vacate. Not all such orders are successful; the La Salle Alumni Club got a reprieve after a successful protest.

Speaking of protests, two friends walking near the Japanese ammunition depot on top of San Juan Hill came across the following sign: "People living in the vicinity of Japanese ammunition dump are advised to vacate before the end of the rainy season because there will be a large explosion there when the Americans come back." They sure got out of there quick!