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May 12, 1942

"USAFFE Troops in South Surrender ... Sharp Obeys Wainwright." Col. Jesse Treywick went through the lines to deliver a personal message from Wainwright ordering Sharp to surrender. (What I'd pay to hear how that conversation went!)

In the event the U.S. continues to lose her ships at this rate, by the end of this year she shall have no more aircraft carriers and capital ships left and she will drop into a fourth rate naval power from her first rate naval position.

This afternoon we saw the first Japanese transport dock on Pier-7. Nearby, a Japanese truck had 12 soldiers sitting in the uncovered rear — on rattan chairs! No wonder they're looking for more furniture.

A good idea by some enterprising Filipino floated by over Santol today: four balloons flying Filipino and American flags. One day they'll return to earth and spark a fresh rumor of how Flying Fortresses dropped balloons with flags over the countryside. The press will add, 'on their way to bomb the Central Azucarera de Tarlac.'