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May 11, 1942

The Allies now claim a total of 19 Japanese ships sunk or damaged in the Coral Sea. When Paco Gutierrez came in claiming it was a Japanese victory and Australia was doomed, I gave him a piece of my mind. And yet I notice that a few have moved towards the Japanese side.

One headline today is a quote from Madrigal's recent speech: "Filipinos Have Much to Learn from Japanese." Even the Spanish Consul wrote a letter congratulating the Japanese for their victories here. Someday these fellows will regret their words.

Propaganda vehicles are still making the rounds of the city. After a speech in Tagalog by one propagandist, he shouted Banzai three times though his small audience of curiosity-seekers remained silent. At the Avenue Theater recently, one member of the audience started clapping loudly after a newsreel ended with a Japanese flourish. He stopped after five claps when nobody joined him.

Last night the Japanese Navy gave us a light show with their searchlights. A few places in the Boulevard have been ordered vacated to make room for Japanese officers. A rumor making the rounds says that now that the Bay is open to Japanese shipping, all our cars and steel will be shipped to Japan.