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April 23, 1942

Wanting to show the world that the Filipinos are happy with the current situation, the Japanese have started a whispering campaign for Hirohito's birthday on the 29th. There'll be a victory parade to celebrate the fall of Corregidor, which should fall by then (or someone might have to commit hara-kiri). We are supposed to buy Japanese flags to hang in front of our house or store. And if we go out on that day, we'd better be wearing a button with a Japanese flag — or else! We're staying home.

Was out playing softball in the afternoon when I heard horses. A crowd quickly gathered to see if they knew any of the Filipino prisoners being escorted by mounted Japanese soldiers. Practically everyone here is on the lookout for friends or relatives who may be prisoners from Bataan. Reports say U.S. prisoners are at Camp O'Donnell, west of Capas, while Filipino prisoners are at Muñoz.