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March 31, 1942

The Voice of Freedom reported a heavy Japanese attack on Bataan, and admitted that their "outposts withdrew to main lines." They could be running out of real estate soon. The Japanese are landing more troops and equipment — anxious to finish the job. The final offensive has begun, and a rumor today that's spreading like wildfire is that the Japanese expect to finish it within 48 hours.

I went to the Boulevard by bike in the afternoon — pedaling mostly with one leg — and listened to the heavy shelling at 1815. Everyone stopped dead at 1840 and looked towards Cavite then Corregidor, following the paths of the shells. Three Japanese reconnaissance planes directed the shelling. Corregidor didn't return fire.

Quezon sent us a message from Australia telling us to have faith, courage and hope. Australia seems to be expecting an invasion in the next two to three weeks. They have the USAFFE to thank for time to prepare. Beautiful moon out tonight; I hope it stays out to expose Japanese movements in the Bay.