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March 21, 1942

Feliciano breezed into town two days ago, eager to buy dry goods for resale up north. He reported that guerilla hit-and-run tactics are being answered by Japanese reprisals on their families.

Meanwhile, Filipinos have taken MacArthur's departure in stride, and morale is now on the upswing. The Japanese are taking a street poll, asking Filipinos what they think about the war and MacArthur's escape — as if they expect Filipinos to respond truthfully. The best opinion I've heard comes from a Spaniard who has lived here all of his life:

I've lived in the provinces most of the time and that's where you meet the real Filipino. I tell you the Filipinos can't forget what the Americans did for them — it's in their hearts.... They're on the spot now, but they still know on whose side they belong.

VoF updated the tally of Japanese shipping losses in New Guinea today. That Japan is beginning to be hurt by these losses can be read in today's headlines: "Japan to Change [Naval] Tactics ... because the Allies are breaking international [sea] laws." Another article by Domei: "Resting a bit after suppressing allied resistance ... Japan is now ready to initiate the real battle against allied nations." It sounds more like the period of rapid Japanese territorial expansion is coming to an end.