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February 10, 1942

The barks of our neighbor’s dog woke me at 0130. The nightwatchman next door aimed his flashlight at my window and yelled that someone was on our yard. That was enough to send the robber fleeing over our fence.

The crush to get the Japanese residence certificate is getting worse. A friend I met at 1730 said he stood in line all day and hadn’t eaten anything yet.

The Japanese are telling merchants to limit profits to 35% of sales or risk absolute confiscation of their goods. It’s barely enough to remain in business even in peacetime. Hold prices down for six months, they say, and then you can charge all you want, but for the present we need your cooperation and you must give it — no ifs, buts or maybes. Over 25 prominent Chinese merchants were released today but a few of the most prominent ones are still locked up. Theaters will be allowed to open again tomorrow but they’ll have to give the conquerors 30% of the proceeds.

VoF said MacArthur is mopping up Japanese units on Bataan’s left flank. Perhaps that’s why the admiral looked dejected. Hungry men with their backs to the sea have given the mighty Japanese Army a bloody nose.