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Pg.4/4 DECEMBER 26, 1944

Stayed in the beach all day. Hot as hell. There was no water and two small meals were served to us during the daytime. Two spoons of raw rice in the evening.

DECEMBER 27, 1944

Woke us up at midnight. Marched to docks. Early morning launches took us to ship — no names. Placed us down in the large hold. We were about 1000 men plus 200 above us in a part of a balcony affair. Fair amount of air. Received 1/2 cup of rice and some soy soup. Tea was also served — 1/2 pint per man.

DECEMBER 28, 1944

A Second Lieutenant tried to dive overboard last night — he was shot at. At 11:00 A.M., received first meal. We are passing past the northern tip of Luzon. Received another meal around 4:00 P.M. consisting of 1/2 cup barley and rice and a small fish 3-1/2" long. Sub scare at 7:00 P.M.

DECEMBER 29, 1944

Anchored at Batanes Island (?) from 10:00 P.M. to 4:00 A.M. Rained before dawn. At 11:00 A.M. received 1/2 cup of curried rice. Had another meal at 4:00 P.M. Out of sight of land. Heard a little shooting this afternoon. We've had one or two torpedo attacks since we have been on board.

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