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Pg.2/4 DECEMBER 16, 1944

The bombers bombed Japanese installations all around us that day. We were fed 1-1/2 mess spoons of rice all that day.

DECEMBER 17, 1944

Fed 1-1/2 mess spoons of rice.

DECEMBER 18, 1944

Fed 2 mess spoons of rice.

DECEMBER 19, 1944

Fed 2 mess spoons of rice.

DECEMBER 20, 1944

Boarded busses to San Fernando, Pampanga. Split into two groups. One group was placed in prison while the other group in the schoolhouse. I stayed with the prison group. Had 2 spoons of rice before leaving.

  • 279 died and missing due to shipwreck
  • 15 sent back to Manila from San Fernando
  • 9 died in Olongapo
  • 5 died in San Fernando, Pampanga
  • 2 died in San Fernando, La Union.

We had steamed rice around 10:00 P.M. — 1/2 canteen cup. This was our first "meal" since December 14th., A.M. Clothing was issued to us in tennis court — one thin shirt and one thin pants. We all suffered from the cold every evening.

DECEMBER 21, 1944

San Fernando Jail Two meals only — one in the morning consisting of 1/3 cup of rice and one in the evening consisting of 1/3 cup of rice plus a tiny bit of fish. Hot as hell during the daytime and cold during the evenings.

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