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July 24, 1945

I wonder why McNutt flew to Leyte after only a couple of days here.

Larry Wiltzius moaned about all the racketeering going on. He says, rightly so, that he could have gotten rich if he had been willing. One First Lieutenant he told me about sold a whole shipment of PX-destined watches for P40,000.

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July 27, 1945

Japan informed Washington that 1,001 were lost in the ship torpedoed off Subic on December 19. Joe was one of 482 survivors! They embarked on the 13th and were kept in the ship, but the Japanese were afraid to proceed.

The New York market cracked again on the belief that the war would end soon and Churchill would be defeated at the polls by the war-weary Brits. The world awaits the Japanese response to the Potsdam surrender demands.

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July 31, 1945

Santamaria made me a job offer that I will have to refuse because I can't live on the salary. I got my personal license as a broker today, giving no address as I'm not officially associated with any firm. Spent the day in a fruitless search for Baguio Gold proxies for Paul Meyer. He holds about a million shares and wants a directorship.
