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June 29, 1945

Once sixth in his "organization," Hans Menzi now outstrips his former superiors in rank because he was known to MacArthur before the war and was a good friend of Dunckel. Dunckel has been sent to the States following a siege of illness; General Willoughby is now living with Hans at Manga Avenue and is trying to get him promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Hans still talks of resigning, but what he really wants is a promotion and a decoration — he has only campaign ribbons so far.

Investigated thrice for Buy and Sell activities during the occupation, Barredo was saved when Ramsey claimed he had donated over a million pesos for his guerrilleros. Johnny Ysmael also donated a million pesos and he's now a Lieutenant Colonel. (The story is that Ramsey liked to have a good time.) A number of people were smart enough to play it both ways; Madrigal gave money to the Liberator Magazine of Fernando Perez, who incidentally has failed to come to Madrigal's rescue. More than one playboy who got rich during the occupation is now sporting a uniform of rank. Then there's the case of Escudero, prewar Governor of Sorsogon and now in Manila as an ordinary citizen, hoping — to no avail — for an appointment of sorts. He was a leader of a group of guerrillas and kept them straight and decent, avoided racketeering and protected life and property.
