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April 3, 1945 — "Legaspi Airfields Seized in New Landing."

From Old Man Sotelo comes the story of Benjamin Jalandoni's Baguio expedition. He mentioned no atrocities, only the destruction of the city by American carpet-bombing. All the casualties listed in the paper yesterday were due to "carelessness." Don Nicolas Lizares, for example, was killed after leaving a tea party in daylight.

From Dr. Ramon Campos comes the story that Pilar Campos was raped (three or thirty times depending on whose version), bled of numerous wounds, appealed for help then died two days later from a hemorrhage. She pleaded that her story be told so that all the world may know. What began the atrocity at the Campos house? The Japanese found rifles in the house. They were told — even begged — to get rid of them because it was dangerous. "No it isn't," was the reply, "the Americans will be IN any time now."