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Pg.2/2 March 26, 1945

Five days later, the same American troops who thought that nobody but Japanese were inside, liberated thousands of refugees cowering in the basement. Jack and his family were bundled on a truck and driven from one loaded hospital to another until space was found for them at the National Psychopathic Hospital in Mandaluyong.

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Inspired by the brilliant weather we've been having (cool mornings and pleasant moonlit nights) I marched down to the Menzis this evening. Hank Carpenter and a Sergeant Stodder were there besides Hans, Margot and Mrs. Menzi. Hans had a touch of "malaria" yesterday, but 8 atabrines, 2 quinines and 2 aspirins had knocked it out. He did most of the talking, surprising me at one point when we were discussing Roxas, Yulo and Paredes by saying: "Anyway, if Paredes shows up he'll be hanged."

Hans said he was investigating the activities of an American woman spy. He questioned her from 1000 to 1630 without giving her any food or smokes, until she broke down and confessed. A good trick, he said, is to "bake 'em in the sun for a few hours." He added that the clinks were full of Filipinos to be investigated; the case of Lily Raquiza was "serious," and Mrs. Infante was also inside. "The trick is to ship all Nazis, pro-Nazis, collaborators and cooperators [buy and sell crowd] to Palawan."

On the subject of the investigation of Hans' crowd in 1942, he said that he hid confidential papers behind the pictures of photo albums. "I kept on denying all Japanese charges until they found the papers. Well then, there was nothing else to do but confess." When I asked what sabotage they committed he answered: "We set fire to Macondray's at R. Hidalgo and blew up the rear of the Oxy-Acetylene Company here in Aviles." (I regularly pass by both places and neither was put out of commission.)

Among Hans' papers was a check from Hank Carpenter, which led to him being questioned: "I got beaten up but not much.... They didn't have anything [else] on me, of course."
