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Pg.2/2 March 25, 1945

Col. Krause is being flown to the States with a broken pelvic bone after heavy truck plowed into his jeep when it pulled up behind another car. He left some souvenirs at the Connors: a Japanese machine-gun, steel helmet, three rusty antique pistols, a few pieces of mortars and small shells including an anti-personnel bomb heavier than a hand grenade. Krause is the one who cut part of a tree trunk that had seen much fighting and sent it to his wife in the States. The Connors wanted me to keep the stuff for Krause but I told them it wouldn't be right to keep a Japanese machine gun in the house next door to MacArthur. Krause sent a Lt. Col. Bosworth to check that his cache was still intact and to give the Connors a letter in case of any trouble with it.

To the 'saved by a day' comment of Jo-Jo and Barreto, add one more: Ramos, the cigar-flicking, strutting PCAU retailer. "The Sixth Army saved us by a day. Yes sir, the Japs intended to kill all males here [in the north side] but the Americans got in the night before." And he meant the 14th of February!

News is the male German internees are now in Bilibid prison. Their wives and children are still at the Holy Ghost College.
