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Pg.4/4 March 10, 1945

Manila has no electricity except for small, army dots here and there, and the beacon of light that is the White House. Mr. Siy told me that he too was nervous about the lights. Which reminds me ... Mac left his house yesterday in his old five-star license-plated Cadillac — and did he have a bodyguard? Did he have an escort? Imagine the top General of an Army going about as freely as you and I with sniping still going on! The Japanese would have used a truckload of soldiers in front and back with a machine-gun on each, plus motorcycle escorts.

. . . .

Lieutenant Colonel Mueller is a tough irascible hombre, but the job he has is getting to him. At the Far Eastern University Building he says: "No, you can't get in; you need a pass."

— "So, uh ... where can I get a pass?"

— "Second floor." Checkmate!
