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January 31, 1945

The Japanese are still making "uninterrupted counterattacks" in the Tribune. In Clark, they "closed a breach which the Americans obtained, by vigorous attacks carried out by about three infantry divisions supported by some tanks." (Whose three divisions and tanks?)

"Duran stresses Makapili role" — and in so doing, the Vice Minister of Home Affairs seals his doom! "The Makapili will run down all the guerrillas and exterminate them for going to aid of the American invaders." He wants the Japanese to give the Filipinos more power to do it ... "this will help the authorities get not only the guerilla small fry — but also the ... big fishes."

Editorial: "Go hard on Nadisco looters." The looting "was allegedly committed by officials, many of whom are high in the councils of the Republic's machinery." They'll probably get away with it too. Nadisco head Aguinaldo, incidentally, hasn't said a word on the subject.

"Four enemy craft downed over Luzon" — of some 100 or so planes. The crews (all dead) were found to be at least 40-years old, "indicating a shortage of manpower." The article says B-24s, A20As, P-38s, P-47s, P-51s, P-40s, F4Us, F4Fs and B-26s were all used. The variety is "interpreted by informed circles as a lack of planes." First I've heard of F4Us and A20As in the Philippines.

MacArthur announced a landing in the Subic area without the loss of a single ship, plane or man, after which the forces advanced quickly through San Marcelino to a point two miles from Olongapo. PIAM confirmed it this evening, as well as a landing this morning in Nasugbu, Batangas. Manilans have been expecting it for some time.

A number of internees are at the Funeraria Nacional morgue. There's much talk, indignation and gnashing of teeth about Santo Tomas, but not much anyone can do about it now except hope for a quick liberation. Young Bobby Goebbels, 15-years old but big for his age, walked a few kilometers to see his dead father. The Japanese detained him for 24 hours.

Walking home this evening a friend yelled that I was getting fat. I didn't tell him I had a Liberator magazine under my belt.