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January 26, 1945

Tribune: "Foe moves south, unable to break stalemate in north." Hell, the south is the main goal, Manila, and not the northern mountains where Yamashita is waiting. "American vanguards were reported penetrating into Tarlac province on January 20 but no major operation has so far been observed." It's the Japanese way of admitting an American advance without opposition.

"Eyewitness tells of strafing by U.S. planes of P.I. civilians." Raul José, "just returned" from a visit to his sick father, tells it. On the National Highway leading out of Manila, "I was more than ever convinced that the Americans would think nothing of a few Filipino lives if they achieved their ends." Well, everyday on the streets of Manila, a few Filipino lives are lost through starvation alone.

News: All Clark's 13 airfields, Camp Dau and Fort Stotsenburg are in American hands, as well as Magalang and Angeles. The battle for Rosario is on its 14th day and the Japanese are really putting up a fight there.

Radio Tokyo is talking about another landing. Incidentally, as I write this I can hear what sounds like distant shelling — about a shot a minute. Twice in the last half-hour I've been on the verge of yelling for someone to shut the lights but it's only the moon — as powerful as I've ever seen it in a cloudless sky.