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December 28, 1944

Another day spent walking to the Escolta and back to try to complete my first deal of the month — a favor to a friend. And I have to repeat the performance tomorrow in spite of my aching legs and bruised feet. After that, I think I'll retire. Spent the afternoon helping the Kaufmanns and Menzis move so I'm really pooped tonight.

Tribune: "Japanese intend to drive foe from P.I., Diet hears." Admiral Yonai says the Japanese Navy is "determined to fight it out to the very end." I wonder if the Diet is aware of their navy's disastrous fate off Leyte Gulf.

"Enemy moves in Sulu Sea are termed suicidal acts." The article mentions a task force off Palau, and convoys in Ulithi and Marianas, "movements of which are fraught with signs of the incoming storm." The article admits that Mindoro is a "mere prelude" to other landings for the "Luzon Campaign."

News: The Japanese sent a task force of six destroyers, one battleship and one cruiser to shell Mindoro at night. Three destroyers were sunk; the battleship and cruiser were damaged. MacArthur called the shelling "ineffectual."

The Japanese have completed a tunnel from the Burgos School to our backyard, and they put a pillbox there. If there's street fighting and they are cornered, they expect to get out via our garden!