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Pg.2/2 December 23, 1944

Coming home this afternoon, I had forgotten all about the Japanese looking for forced labor at Arlegui. I caught up with Pete Siy and we turned into Aviles together, pumping each other for news. It was too late to turn by the time I noticed a Spaniard on a bike ahead showing his pass to six or seven Japanese soldiers. I stopped and showed my pass, opening the little black bag I usually carry. In it were two loaves of rice bread and three-dozen coconut macaroon cookies, but the Japanese nearest me was only interested in my bike — it was obvious by the way he held it. My heart sank. My bike! After all this time.

"Anong trabajo?" asked one. [What's your work?] I pretended to be dumb. He repeated the question several times to no avail. Finally I decided to take command.

"Me," I said, thumping my chest vigorously, "live Manga Avenue. Same street Military Police, Commander Ito — Military Police. Same street."

"Don't spik Engrish," he answered stiffly.

The fellow in charge pointed a finger at me and said something sharply in Japanese, but somehow, he didn't impress me.

"Captain Ito, Military Police. Me, Manga Avenue! Sergeant know Sergeant Kunishi?"

"No spik Engrish." So I shrugged and tried to look even dumber. A pause followed.

Suddenly, looking inspired, the first one asked: "You spik Spanish?"

"NO!" I blurted out in a flash of inspiration, looking even dumber.

After a few words between themselves, one turned to me and said: "Aw ... go-go-go-go." So I did ... very much relieved.

Pete also got by with a pass from the Embassy people sharing his house. Catching up to me he said: "They would have taken you for forced labor but the officer said: 'Aw, let him go — we can't understand him anyway.'"

"It's a good thing I don't speak Spanish," I grinned, and he burst out laughing.
