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Pg.2/2 December 8, 1944

Well, I have to give Fukushima credit for being kind and sympathetic in front of my aged parents. He could have forced us downstairs, and we would have accepted, but I think the transportation problem swayed his mind. Incidentally, the Japanese like the idea of splitting houses — they are sharing half of the Siy and Barreto houses.

To illustrate the transportation situation, Manny Sotelo agreed to drive a 4-cylinder Ford delivery van on a 198-kilometer round-trip, under hire by friends with the necessary passes, for P30,000! Hard to believe, isn't it? Well, alcohol is practically nonexistent, so you have to use gasoline, including aviation (blue) gas, a 20-liter can of which costs P1,500. So figure P10,000 for the fuel alone, plus breakdowns, tires, etc., and of course, you're risking your neck a hundred times in the trip. I wouldn't consider it myself, but Manny is young, daring and strong.

. . . .

Last Jump
Takachiho Airborne Squad last
jump—"ready to hop off"

Tribune: "Japanese Airborne Troops land on enemy bases in Leyte ... engage enemy forces" — all about the "Takachiho" transport unit landing on "enemy airdromes" by plane and parachute on the night of December 6.

Daihon-ei also announced the "sinking of 7 foe vessels in Surigao Strait" by the Ishiwata Special Attack Squadron on December 5. Four others "also attacked enemy vessels in Leyte Gulf but the results have not yet been ascertained."

"P.I. Staunch Ally of Japan, says Murata." What else could he say?

"Laurel Reaffirms Republic's Loyalty to Pact of Alliance." What else could he say too?
