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November 30, 1944 — National Heroes' Day

The Tribune started with the exploits of the "Hakko Air Units," then raids on Saipan and Tinian bases, thrusts in Burma, China and Leyte, and a landing on Morotai behind American positions "without losing a single soldier." The latest Box Score of "Nippon Exploits" totals 424 vessels.

The Alert sounded at 0815 as eight American planes flew northward at high altitude. The Japanese Air Force has been very active last night and early this morning. They've perfected a system of hiding planes on the ground that is a challenge to American reconnaissance. It would take simultaneous raids on more than a hundred airfields to clear them out. The alternative is the battle of attrition that has been going on for forty days now.

A sixth Japanese convoy to Leyte has been destroyed following two day-and-night battles. There were 13 ships all told: 3 large cargo-transports, 4 medium and 3 small troop transports escorted by 3 destroyers. MacArthur estimated the Japanese lost 4,000 men. He mentioned that 23-1/2 inches of rain have fallen in Leyte so far this month, a record for November.

R.I.P. Dionisio "Chito" Calvo, about a week ago in Fort Santiago. Knew him well. Apparently many La Salle Alumni are in the fold, and he got mixed up in it somehow. The Archbishop's Secretary, Father Santos, is still in — after eight months? Chito was in only for a short time.

He passed away in 1977 at the ripe age of 74 (see 450328)