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Pg.2/2 November 15, 1944

A direct hit on the Sports Armory at Intramuros killed and wounded many Japanese of a garrison housed there. The rest evacuated; some moving into the Burgos Elementary School.

An American family named Baxter was practically wiped out. The Mother and Father are in hospital in critical condition — six other members didn't make it.

Ermita is in the Dewey Boulevard military zone that parallels the shore of the Bay. Casualties there were light because the area had already been partially evacuated. The Apostolic Delegate doesn't even live there anymore, having long ago evacuated to a safer neighborhood. The remaining residents have had enough and are now voluntarily scrambling to get out.

Another thing worrying Manilans: the Military Police are active — all of them. Ramon "Monching" Araneta died under custody; Dionisio Calvo was arrested, as was one Bausa and another forty persons from San Juan. Radios are taboo — and congregating and gabbing downtown is now out. Everyone is on the alert. Important Government officials are being closely watched a la Vargas. Japanese are in constant attendance "day and night" in their houses for "protection" [they have moved in]. Incidentally, Vargas is married to a sister of Ramon Araneta.