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October 7, 1944

The Japanese lost only 22 ships and 64 planes in the first week of October. In China, they've launched a four-pronged drive using 500,000 men — the most ambitious Japanese offensive since 1938.

The Alert sounded at 1220 in Manila today, exciting a lot of people at the Escolta. Japanese troops hopped off their trucks and started chopping branches off trees to camouflage their trucks. The All Clear came at 1500 without incident.

Tribune: "More evacuees leave city today" — 600 by train while others went by horse-drawn carts, cars and trucks. The Ysmaels and Cachos leave today or tomorrow for Baguio.

Maharajah's column disparaged the people's reaction to the government's intention to move — official recognition that the people are sore.

Recto's reply to a Filipino doctor who went to complain about his house: "I'll do what I can. If you want my advice for what it's worth, you'd better leave Manila completely."

The provinces are probably as unsafe as Manila. There could be more suffering here, including acute danger, but for a shorter time. To go to the provinces means immediate hardships, expenses, and perhaps a later rescue.