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October 5, 1944
Rice Sacks
Minister Pedro Sabido (in white)
receives confiscated rice from
Army representatives

Tribune: "Rice distribution set for today" — 120 grams per person limited to the "poor and indigent" — kitchens closed for everyone else. "Food prices show decline" — 30 to 50% from the highs of the recent days, it says. Yes, rice declined somewhat from its high of P250 a ganta or P5,750 a sack!

Tokyo, October 3, Domei: "Mounting difficulties in store for the enemy as he approaches closer to the Philippines or Japanese mainland are vividly attested by the tremendous casualties he is incurring in the fighting now raging on Peleliu Island." With extended supply lines and a shortage of supplies, "it will be impossible for him to escape."

With Japanese casualties in Palau numbering 11,000, there'll be no one to escape from soon. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy announced that it had not lost a single surface warship in the Pacific by enemy action in nine months! I guess that's why the Japanese call theirs the Silent Navy.