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Pg. 2/5 September 22, 1944

0917: There's a big oil fire in the Port Area — and it's tremendous indeed — all black smoke. It started after the second raid, and boy is it BIG! We're 8 to 10 kilometers from the Pier and the smoke is already overhead — heading east — inland. A few planes are still over the Bay but antiaircraft is desultory. Brethren! There's so much smoke that if I didn't know it was a fire I'd think we were about to have a severe thunderstorm. As a matter of fact, it's starting to rain.

0927: It wasn't rain — just the Japanese next door filling Bachrach's pool while the water is still on. The sky looks dark and I can smell oil-smoke now. Hang on ... the planes are overhead again. Antiaircraft fire is heavy. They're diving over the Port Area. I just heard a rapid crescendo of booms — explosions — heaviest so far ... wait.... WOW! And WOW! Our banana trees are shaking ... and it goes on and on....

I went downstairs for a better view of the Port Area through the trees and better protection by the cement wall. I saw two planes go into the tremendous cloud of smoke. They can duck in and out of it to hide — I can't see them now and I doubt if the antiaircraft guys can either — they've stopped firing.

0950: Several planes are high over the Bay but antiaircraft fire is down to about one every 20 seconds or so. I moved to the front of the house and was staggered by the smoke. It must be 20 miles inland already looking like mammoth, evil thunderclouds. Heck, it's 60 miles inland now — as far as the eye can see!

1000: The breeze is getting stronger; up to now it's been very still — ideal for the planes. We've had two hours of practically continuous raiding. Incidentally, the antiaircraft "practice" was extended another day.

1010: More planes are overhead again ... diving ... there goes the anti-air ... explosions now. Three planes ducked back into the colossal smoke clouds and disappeared.