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Pg.3/5 September 21, 1944

1529: Antiaircraft fire is increasing; there's dive-bombing on my left now — Nichols definitely. Here they come ... in front of me now ... fast and low at 500 feet ... antiaircraft still increasing. One puff just missed the lead plane! The boys seem to be leading charmed lives. They've flown through the huge pillars of smoke before me. A big CRASH just now — don't know what it is.

1540: The planes are coming over again. Anti-air is firing ... getting heavier ... WOW! The house shook again. The planes are in front of us — hitting the Port Area definitely. They're directly overhead — the whole house is shaking. I can't see them ... they're over the pillars of smoke, bombing the National Development, I'm certain. That was the biggest splurge of antiaircraft today. Golly, this has been going on for more than an hour now and I'm pooped, but what a show! And still more planes are coming-in low from two different directions. For the third time today I heard a series of closely spaced, light explosions, maybe incendiaries or fragmentation bombs.

1557: Antiaircraft is still firing, but the few planes are high; the drone of their engines is fading. It looks like the end. No doubt they'll be back tomorrow.

1617: A big explosion — don't know what it is. Looks like the fire in National Development area has practically burned itself out. It went up like a tinder match.

1630: Yet another wave is over Manila. I just saw three planes dive on what looks like the Port Area. It's hard to differentiate the explosions from the antiaircraft at this distance. Dad reports a fire in the Pier area; Ma is under her bed. Wow! An extremely loud explosion ... seemed quite near. It's over now — probably less than 20 planes.

Yes, there's a large fire from what I reckon to be dead square on the Port Area. Whew! Another terrific explosion nearby again. I can see two fires near the Bay: one is large (another explosion yet) and the smaller one is not so concentrated. This final raid lasted ten minutes (another explosion) the planes have gone and antiaircraft has ceased. Gee, yet another explosion, could be munitions or oil. The sounds — there goes another one and a bigger one to the right — are muffled but the earth vibrates a little.