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September 3, 1944

Tribune: "Question of unity a matter of life and death — Laurel." Aquino made a similar speech to women of the Kalibapi.

"Davao people indignant over U.S. raids" — in special bold letters. Now that it's in the open, the pressure on our government must be severe.

What's significant is that the "unity" speeches of Laurel and Aquino didn't mention the war, the bombings, an invasion, or the Americans. A couple of days ago in Tokyo, Vargas supposedly said that the Philippines would defend its freedom and fight side-by-side with the Greater East Asian countries; yet Aquino and Laurel failed to echo that or complain about the Davao bombings. The Japanese must be gnashing their teeth.

The attritional value of Rabaul to U.S. forces: 360 air raids; 1,102 Japanese planes shot down; 439 destroyed on the ground; 73 ships sunk (no figures for damage or tonnage). Point is, they don't have an unlimited number of aircraft either.