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August 31, 1944

Tribune: "P.I. Government run by Filipinos stressed by Laurel" — at the swearing-in of his reformed government. He's well aware that his own countrymen are beginning to reform their opinion of him and his cabinet.

And may I hope, gentlemen, that in the midst of difficulties, hardships, hunger and perhaps starvation, and in the midst even of mutual suspicion and confusion among the Filipinos, you may be witnesses to what our young republic has done, recall having been present at this momentous completion of the Cabinet of this Republic, examine my acts and the acts of my colleagues in the performance of our duties and put down or record or at least whisper to our countrymen how we ... assumed the responsibility without any ambition for power, for glory, for wealth, for prestige, for reputation, but for the sole and only objective that, as Filipinos, we find that it is our duty to serve the people to the best of our ability.

In other words, never mind the past. Witness and judge us on how we, just like you, despite our weak and very precarious situation, have to match wits against the might of the Japanese. Haven't we kept you relatively safe and out of the war? Could you or anyone else have done any better?

News: U.S. subs sank 17 more in the last nine days bringing my total to 723. Widespread bombings in the Pacific continue including Halmahera and the Celebes. Twenty more ships were sunk in the last 24 hours, bringing the total in August alone to around 200 if we include probables!