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August 12, 1944

Tribune: "Land and Marine Transportation Firm Organized by Government.... LaMaTra will inaugurate two lines on Monday to be used for transporting food. All that's needed is a miracle in the form of new trucks. Don't expect any from the Japanese, all they've ever done is take them.

"17,000 men lost by enemy in Hengyang." Some 4,100 bodies were counted and 13,300 prisoners taken, including General Hsien Chiao of the 10th Army.

"Life [Magazine] photo depicts American savagery" — all Tokyo papers carry the now infamous picture.

La Vanguardia devotes one page of propaganda to Hengyang; hardly a word on the Marianas, India, Burma or the European war.

News: Halmahera bombed again, also Yap, Palau, Nauru and Woleai, plus the Bonins from Saipan. Japanese buried in Saipan, Tinian and Guam: 37,500; Americans killed 4,450 — (at least 20,000 must've been wounded). San Francisco announced the third bombing of Davao; the Japanese remain mum on the subject, pending efforts to get us to make some sort of declaration regarding our "mutual aid pact."