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July 28, 1944

Yesterday, cabaret-owner Salvador Salazar was killed in broad daylight in Plaza Goiti before many onlookers. Shot in the mouth, he screamed and ran a few steps before the killer shot him again in the temple. No policemen were around. I understand he had two pistols on his body.

Several days ago in Sampaloc, Mercedes Lopez (from a well-known family) was shot four times in her chest. She was rushed to Mary Chiles' Hospital where it's believed she died. Many say she was a well-known spy. Rumors say liquidation squads have a list of 350 names. Two or three days ago, the headless corpse of a Japanese was left on the railroad tracks near here. His head still hasn't been found.

Commentator, in fine form, says the Germans do not mind evacuating to some easily defended 'zero' line running through Riga, Kaunas, Brest-Litovsk, and Luov. While he was busy penning those lines yesterday, the Russians were busy taking Luov [Lemberg].

La Vanguardia: "General plan of evacuation being studied." Malacañan formed a committee — the aim is to reduce government personnel here to the minimum.