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July 22, 1944

Tribune: Roxas made an emotional speech to our guerrillas pleading for them not to obstruct the planting of rice: "we are starving." The next column: "Burma Mission given facts about Islands." All they have to do is read the previous column.

Page 1: Burma: "Severe fighting in Myitkyina." China: "Hengyang's fall expected hourly." Manila: "800,000 Enrolment expected in Philippine Schools this year" — assuming the Japanese vacate the schools before July 24, of course. Japan: "Work on new Nippon Cabinet is progressing" — they've been busy too.

Commentator: "Japanese air counter-offensive begins with use of new planes." Two such nameless planes stumble across 50 P-39s and P-41s. "To our astonishment, after 30 odd minutes of ferocious dogfights," they manage to down 44, "and returned to their base in good condition after accomplishing their mission ... of reconnaissance." [Each managed to shoot a plane down every 82 seconds!] Based on that, he predicts Americans will lose twice as many planes in July as in the previous month.

About 150 to 200 ships dot Manila Bay. A chap who says he counted them puts the number at 115, including four carriers, two of which are "large."