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July 14, 1944

Tribune: "Japs blast 51 foe planes in U.S. base" — Chihkiang, China. "Early morning of July 12, two large and 51 small planes were destroyed or set ablaze in the ground ... all our planes returned safely." With less to defend in the Pacific, the Japanese airforce can assign more planes to China. Heavy fighting continues in the Honan and Hunan sectors. The walls of Hengyang are being stormed.

"New Reich weapon will be used soon" — according to Dr. Rudolf Semler in a Berlin broadcast. It's to be called V-2 (Vengeance #2)."

"Yamagata Shipbuilding Company ... will start the large-scale construction of super-large wooden vessels incorporating a minimum of steel."

Dropped into the State Theater to see Newsreel No.35. First topic — "P.I. defense is solid" — showed new troops in Luneta. The second topic showed rice being unloaded at the pier. When the announcer said that wherever the Japanese Army went, it fed itself, the guy sitting next to me said, "Nuts!" Another asked: "Where did the rice come from — Leyte?" The announcer laughed: "But don't be envious, folks, you'll get your share." Third topic: "Silent Navy shows itself" — with some formidable looking dreadnoughts and less formidable looking carriers. "The battle of the giants — the showdown battles are surely coming." The steel towers on the battleships certainly looked like skyscrapers. No wonder Yamagata has to switch to wood.