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July 11, 1944

Tribune: "Priests, Ministers Involved in Enemy Spy Ring Activities.... Undercover organization broken-up following capture of wireless corps headquarters. Over 120 persons involved." All were arrested; a Lieutenant Commander "Q" was killed in a raid on the wireless headquarters in Mindoro. The Japanese found out when they got a copy of documents distributed by a Lieutenant Colonel C.I.O. — Chief Intelligence Officer of a guerilla unit attached to the USAFFE. The military members were not named though the following were in yesterday's La Vanguardia:

  • Mary [Boyd] Stagg: Cosmopolitan Church (Methodist); contributed money and arms.
  • Branch Zalica [Blanche Jurika]: Church of Immaculate Conception; one of the leaders. Distributed anti-Japanese propaganda.
  • Rodolfo Rocha: Secretary of the Archbishop; ditto.
  • Diego Paz: Cashier of the Bank of Philippine Islands; ditto.
  • Luisa Gonzaga: a Catholic sister.
  • Helen Grace Moore: Philippine Methodist Church and ex-teacher in Nagasaki. Distributed pamphlets from "Alen Wilk" [Helen Wilkes?] of the same church.
  • Mary Pom: American missionary. Distributed Japanese writings of one Angel Guerrero, a "Secretary of the Mayor of Manila."
  • Fathers Hurley, Bernard F. Doucette, Leo M. Kinn and other Ateneo Jesuits; hiding arms.

Blanche Jurika contacted a manager of De la Rama (Pirovano, no doubt), and a Lt. Col. "L" (aged 41 — Lim?) was responsible for the papers.

The town is also abuzz re Goebbel's speech. The German Club version has him saying Germany is invincible; the Swiss version has him saying Germany can no longer win the war; the Russians are about to "touch civilization" — German territory. And if that happens, something BIG is going to shake the world.