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July 9, 1944

Maurice got married at our parish church this morning. We held the reception at the Casino then I drove them home — my first drive since 1942. It was a swell party; everyone came through like true friends.

Tribune: "Enemy priests are re-interned" — three articles on page one plus the editorial. Mary B. Stevens and Father Francis Jolly of the Church of the Immaculate Conception actively aided guerrillas, and the latter acted as a spy to boot.

Commentator: "Nimitz' fleet doomed to same fate as Kublai Khan's 600 years ago" — exposed as it is to defend the Marianas. The U.S. suffered 40,000 casualties on land; 30,000 at sea in at least 58 ships, including 23 "fully loaded" large transports, and 35 warships of which 18 to 21 were battleships and aircraft carriers; and "not less" than 800 planes. "In short, the greater portion of the U.S. Pacific Fleet is trapped and elaborately encircled by the Silent Navy." Now you see why people pay three to four times the real price for a Tribune: Where else can one read such priceless commentaries?

The Japanese asked the Zobels, one of Manila's elite families, for two of their three houses on the Boulevard. The family tried to negotiate with the Japanese Embassy. Could they guarantee they would not be molested at the third house? "So sorry, no." Could they pick a house in a district where they would not be forced to move again? "So sorry, no." Had the Embassy any suggestions to make? Yes, why not go to the provinces to plant rice!

La Vanguardia: "Intense fighting in Saipan continues.... Sinking of another two carriers confirmed." So Domei ups the total vessels sunk in the Saipan campaign to "more than 50."

"Kyushu suffered no damages" — re the B-29 raids.

It is believed that the effective defense of the armed forces as well as air-raid precaution of the people compelled the raiders to flee, unable to carry out the objective of the bombing. Nonsense!

From today, the curfew starts two hours earlier, running from midnight to 0600. Plans are to bring it forward to 2000 at the first emergency.