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June 20, 1944

SAIPAN News: Airfield taken, Island cut in half. A startling Nimitz communiqué says American air and sea forces shot down 300 Japanese carrier and surface planes in one day! Only one American warship was slightly damaged. He said nothing about a naval battle, so presumably the Japanese sent out 300 carrier planes and perhaps left them to land where they might: Guam, Tinian, the ocean, or on "enemy objectives."

Local radio says 22 American warships were sunk or damaged and 300 American planes shot down in the Marianas.

Tribune: "Enemy loses 4,000 troops in landing attempt on Saipan" — a fantasy story.

"Laurel defines role of youth in Republic." That's all he can do.

German Club: A Nazi from Tokyo arrived and called a club meeting. He asked the President, Max Kummer, and other non-Nazi members to resign. Kummer stood his ground, insisting he had been legally and duly elected. The Nazi gave the board two minutes to resign or he would get the Japanese Military Police involved, revoke their citizenship, and inform the government here of their new status. While he marked time with his watch, Kummer and his board put their heads together and decided to resign. Most of the non-Nazis, a majority, are in fits of anger, hate and despair. An old friend, W., said he would have nothing further to do with the club except when so ordered under threat of Fort Santiago.