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June 11, 1944

Tribune: "Invasion hitches blamed on weather by Eisenhower ... in an attempt to dodge his responsibility."

"Unrestricted entry of rice into city authorized by F.A." Bring it in yourself — no 20% to Biba — or let Biba bring it in and you sell 20% of the rice to them at P200 a cavan. Why? "Very serious doubts are entertained as to whether the government will be able to continue rationing rice to residents of the city." You don't need a license to bring rice anymore provided it's for your own use.

"Encirclement Ring Tightened" — around Imphal, Palel and Bishenpur. Signs of desperation:

There is no denying that the enemy has managed to hold Imphal through the use of numerous pillboxes and fortresses ... as well as the employment of heavy armaments including more than 1,000 tanks and 3,000 artillery pieces.
Greatest obstacles to our attack are the constant guerrilla sorties by enemy air units. However, the loss of more than 3,000 planes shot down or heavily damaged during April and May by our forces...."

Commentator is still recovering from the shock of the second front: "For the present we deem it prudent to refrain from making any predictions."

Public Pulser, Jose Garrido (well known ex-City Engineer) writes: "What is puzzling to us Manilans ... is that after sealing 100 rice bodegas in the City and investigating rice hoarders, only 1,800 sacks have been confiscated."