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June 9, 1944 — Friday

Tribune: "Anti-Axis forces lose 3,000 men in New Guinea" — in the Tor River sector.

"Kitchen [Community] menu augmented with dried fish.... Vegetables may also be added, Vice Minister Macasaet reveals." Meanwhile, the diet at the City Hospital Charity Wards is still only lugao with a taste of fish.

Much talk from all kinds of Berlin quarters but not the German High Command, and it's only about Allied losses. A Berlin article by Kenichi Oshima says, "Experts certain European invasion will fail."

Spent all Wednesday trying to sweat out the fever. On Thursday morning I felt very weak and toddled along twixt bed and chair, guarding against those famous trancazo relapses that almost finished my brother Joe once. Realizing suddenly that I hadn't informed my friends, I called Schaer. "Yes," he said, "you should've called. I'm glad you did. We were just discussing whether you were ill or in Fort Santiago." As he put the phone down, I heard him say, "That was Henry. Thank God, he's only sick."