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June 6, 1944

Tribune: "Japanese wipe out bulk of foe landing force in New Guinea."

"Confiscated rice totals 122,401 sacks." The headline is false: In the city, 1,729 cavans of rice and 52 of palay were seized. In the provinces, only 1,088 cavans of rice plus 119,532 cavans of palay were seized. (Two units of palay equate to one unit of rice.)

"Hitler Spares City of Rome."

La Vanguardia: "Enemy does not forgive Rome.... Ignoring German suggestions, sends its tanks to the center of the city, causing "bloody fights"!

Ramon Amusategui was taken-in three days after the fair blonde lad with the eyeglasses, who once delivered a note to me.

I developed a fever while downtown this morning — a trancazo [tropical flu] — and went home to bed. At 1910, Freddie called me up in a state of high excitement wanting to play Bridge. "Georgie has just made a grand slam," he said. Later I received a visitor; then Manolo called up about the refrigerator. By 2000, the news had spread to half the town: The long-awaited SECOND FRONT landings! Being ill, I missed much news.