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May 31, 1944

Commentator addresses the lack of progress in Imphal. The speedy campaign in Honan is due to the terrain being a vast plain while Imphal is "a siege in the most hazardous mountains."

As a matter of fact, the enemy position on the Imphal front consists of a series of formidable fortifications of great depth, and their utilization of the topographical advantages is most thorough.

Four of us played dice for a cup of coffee. When my cousin Gabby lost, he ruefully paid, then arose to go. Asked where he was going, he said, "To the office to raise my prices."

I saw Freixas sell a bottle of cologne for the clearly marked price of P32. I stepped out for 15 minutes and returned to find the price still clearly marked: P36. It's the same all over town.

Some fellow came over to Schaer and said: "They have a search warrant to search this restaurant for rice. Can I help you?"

"No," snapped Schaer. "I have no rice — don't serve it here. Let them come and search."

Eventually, three "searchers" arrived. One sat down pompously to present his papers while his two self-important cohorts investigated. Both were well dressed and smoked expensive cigars that no one on a government salary alone could afford.