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May 29, 1944

Japanese troops are all over the city; up to 50,000 are said to have landed in Manila yesterday and today. Some are being quartered in the San Lazaro racetrack. Quipped a Filipino: "There goes our last rice ... the bastards!"

The rush away from cash continues. Winthrop's Sulfathiazole has reached P60 a tablet. A guy with a few cases picked up during the looting of Manila because, shucks, there was nothing else to take, and then forgot all about it because, hell, what is it anyway? Well, he'd be a millionaire now! When the awakening comes, things will get so hot that a few of these millionaires will only be too happy to trade their riches and worries for their P60-a-month prewar job. They've had a meteoric ride on the tail of a bronco, but the boys will be happy to dismount, rest their seats, and work for a real Peso.