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May 20, 1944

Tribune: "Filipinos told to be proud of Independence" — says Aquino in a speech to new Kalibapi members. As to why the Japanese are still here, he explained: "After making great sacrifices to drive the Americans away, [Japan] naturally feels that she must defend the Philippines at all cost and thus perpetuate the Republic implanted here." Such altruistic purity as Aquino ascribes to Japan certainly doesn't square with her actions here.

"Cultivation of Horai Rice a success" — we heard that two years ago.

"Japanese frustrate enemy attempts to recapture Kohima." The Japanese never even took it. So what are they doing in Burma? "Consolidating" or making "progress according to schedule" — or maybe retreating in disarray?

"24 killed, hurt in Bengal Riot." Propaganda by headline — it's not about the British but about a soccer match between two Indian teams.

Today's prize goes to Radio Tokyo, who tells its people that "the Germans may now be expected to advance northwards" in Italy!

A persistent rumor says Vargas has resigned. His daughter described Tokyo as a Dead City — a haunted place, quiet, no people, no food, no amusements or gaiety.

Our Neighborhood Association met to discuss rice. If a household declares it has 200 kilos for 8 persons, Biba will calculate how many days of rations that amounts to, and stop rations for that period. Even though we expect Biba to be unable to continue rice rations by that time, we gathered to meet the District Chief to give up our rations voluntarily. He didn't even show up.