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May 11, 1944

Tribune: "Japanese respect P.I. as Independent Nation, says Aquino.... Filipino flag displayed in important places during stay of Gratitude Mission in Japan."

"All set for labor service on Sunday" — the first day of FORCED LABOR.

EPB seeks to stabilize rice" — says the price is up P40 over the previous month. P130 is closer to the truth.

Commentator: "Anglo-Americans obviously unprepared for the second front." That does it! Now I know it's definitely coming.

A Filipino asked one Pasramis (Indian) to step out of his International Restaurant in Echague last Monday evening, and promptly shot him dead. Speculation as to why ranges from girl trouble, his arrogance, or his political activities. Not all Indians are pro-Japanese by a long shot. One used to have a radio and published a regular underground service. Tipped off, he ditched the radio two weeks before the Japanese picked him up at 0200 one morning. They found a copy of one of his "editions" on his desk, but the smooth-talker convinced them that he had found it outside his door and just picked it up out of curiosity. "Look at me," he said. "Am I not an Indian? Am I not an Oriental? Do you expect me to love those British bastards even now?" He was released — after less than 24 hours.