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May 7, 1944

Tribune: "Fall of Corregidor Remembered Today." Saito recalls that the fortifications were made "by forced labor ... of Filipino convicts who were later massacred" to preserve its secrets. Then he reverently pays tribute, his heart no doubt wringing in pity, for the fallen Filipinos of Bataan and Corregidor. Laurel, for his part, says the "failure" of that "impregnable bulwark" is a "just measure of the civilization and way of life that the island fortress was supposed to uphold and defend." Well, the shoe is now on the other foot: Japanese fortresses are falling one by one like the proverbial house of cards.

SPLASHES: "Those who are afraid to do a bit for our tomorrow are just as bad as those who are indifferent to it." Everyday, 15 people are being killed by those who are not afraid.

Commentator: "Japan offensive in China a prelude to Gigantic Drives" — which is exactly what he said about the Burma offensive two months ago. Today's Tribune carries NOT A WORD on BURMA for the first time since that drive commenced!