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May 1, 1944

La Vanguardia: "Palel about to succumb" — that's what they said about Imphal. "Another U.S. airbase destroyed" — in Kiangsi, China. "Admiral Halsey's fleet has lost its power" — so he's alive now. "MacArthur to lead offensive" — good news.

"Philippine Mission in Manchukuo since yesterday" — and Aquino made another speech at the farewell banquet. Marvelous how he keeps going while Yulo and the others stay mum.

Visitors to Santo Tomas found the internees thinner but in high spirits. The half-hour visits were strictly supervised. No packages were allowed; bags and umbrellas had to be checked-in. Fewer restrictions applied at Los Baños where the internees seem happier. The weather and scenery is better, and food is probably easier to come by.

Conchita didn't even know whether Paul was in Santo Tomas or Los Baños until she received the visit notification. Now they will keep in visual touch: twice a week at a certain time, Paul will pace where she can see him from the balcony of a house outside the camp. The new Santo Tomas commandant is apparently a Major in the regular army. The internees are trying to finagle some concessions out of him.

The Swiss Club met to discuss what to do in case of heavy bombings or forced evacuations. Should they leave the city or stick it out? Stay as a group or not?