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April 19, 1944

A policeman was shot and killed and another policeman was kidnapped near Schaer's home this morning. Schaer heard the shot; Alex Bachrach witnessed it and naturally took off in the opposite direction.

Tribune: "INA-Japanese units take Jotsoma after bitter fighting" — hand to hand. "Japanese bombers and fighters penetrate Imphal area" — only by air.

"Japanese garrison units intercepted two planes that attempted to raid Wotje," and another eighteen over Ponape. Since when do garrisons fly?

Splashes: "Isn't it about time we realized that wild rumors don't make history?" Ah, but they do when they turn out to be true.

Editorial: "All Asia Backs Nippon Army." When the Japanese armed forces decide to move, "nothing can stop their advance; no fortress is invincible nor invulnerable."

La Vanguardia is still on the isolation of the British Army in Imphal, but a few sentences later, they talk about the Bishenpur-Silchar track: "This passage is the only one available for the retreat of the enemy."