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April 13, 1944
Mrs Jose Figueras
Horse Day yesterday
Vice-Mayor's wife wins cup

Sign in most City Buses these days:

Help Build the New Philippines
Wanted Immediately
Auto Mechanics, Drivers, Workers
Mankayan Mines
Apply: Mitsui Mining Company

Help build the new Philippines indeed — our copper is needed for the Japanese munitions industry.

Tribune: "Foe preparing to make last stand south of Imphal" — completely encircled, they claim.

Another classic in La Vanguardia: A Japanese motor boat towing two damaged barges met three torpedo boats, sank one and damaged the other two.

The News of the day can be summed up with one word: BOMBINGS — in the Pacific, Europe, and even the Russians over Rumania.

A terrific thunderstorm this afternoon blew 30% of the flowers off our mango tree. I can now safely predict we'll have more showers and practically no mangoes.